16. March 2016 DTT Symposion 2016 – A Concept Never Lives alone! A busy meeting in Mannheim saw Concept Maps once again emerge as a dominant theme.EventsTerminology ManagementREAD MOREDTT Symposion 2016 – A Concept Never Lives alone!
7. March 2016 Global SEO/SEM Overcomes E-Commerce Language Silos A crucial step to expanding your market!Multilingual Knowledge SystemTerminology ManagementREAD MOREGlobal SEO/SEM Overcomes E-Commerce Language Silos
19. February 2016 Coreon – Knowledge Meets Language An introduction to our Multilingual Knowledge System.Multilingual Knowledge SystemKnowledge GraphTerminology ManagementREAD MORECoreon – Knowledge Meets Language
17. January 2016 Infrastructure for Global Customer Support How can an MKS ensure comfortable interactions with a multilingual customer base?Knowledge GraphMultilingual AIMultilingual Knowledge SystemREAD MOREInfrastructure for Global Customer Support
5. January 2016 The Needs of Global Customer Support Dealing with a multilingual customer base can be tricky for several reasons. How can we support our customer service agents with this specific challenge?Multilingual AIREAD MOREThe Needs of Global Customer Support